Brenda Samba: Smart minds, the people who go the extra mile

By Brenda Samba


Smart minds execute ideas, they have purpose while little have wishes. These are people who go the extra mile behind the scenes and get down to the real action.

This group are the smallest in number among the people we have around. When they see a tender in a newspaper, they don’t just talk about it, they don’t say they don’t know anyone in that company. They buy it, fill the forms, attach all the required documents and deliver on time.

When you ask smart minds if they can deliver something, they do not say capital is a problem. They say a resounding yes and get to looking for ways of making it possible. They are more focused in the end result than the how.

Your mind is your instrument, learn how to be its master and not it’s slave. Napoleon Hill once said that whatever the mind can conceive and believe, then it can achieve it. If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.

Brenda Samba is the head of Sales & Marketing at The Bhub

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